
MDA-TelesCoop Ltd. is a small company in Europe, Hungary which was founded for achieving two goals. On one hand, to educate elementary knowledge  of science of astronomy and space research mainly for pupils and students utilizing almost 20 years experiences in scientific education. Additionally, as the other side of our activity, we develop new mechanical, electronical and optical tools and devices mainly for advanced amateur observers all around the world to help them in their instrumental observing purposes.

To achieve these goals on more efficient way we  have created this website introducing these high quality technical devices to the market. Additionally, we would like to provide some good tips and advices (sometimes from other sources) to make your astro-gatgets and observing technologies better, more accurate, more precise on cost effective way.

We have created a kind of cooperation among our partners (Telescope + Cooperation = TelesCoop) intrested in the field of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and optical quantum physics in our development team so we intend to provide full service and solutions for our potential customers sooner or later. Our target-group is "advanced amateurs" because these high precision devices can provide quite effectient support for their observations in the highest quality.

So, we hopefully can kill two birds with one stone: propagation of astronomical science for "civil sphere", at the same time, providing support for hight tech amateurs.



Attila Mádai, CEO


original solarflare design by rhuk
modified by MDA-TelesCoop